3 Reasons Why Fall Is The Perfect Time For A Bike Fit

1. Cyclocross is coming. Whether you are new to the sport or upgrading to a new rig, getting your bike fit dialed in will make you stronger and more confident on the bike. It will not prevent you from falling in the mud. But that's what makes 'cross fun, right?

2. Bike Commute Challenge. The BTA's yearly Bike Commute Challenge helps us recommit to riding, just as fall presents us with reasons not to ride. Rain, dark, seasonal affective disorder... You can make it a whole lot easier on yourself by having an efficient and comfortable bike fit. That extra efficiency just might buy you a couple extra minutes in bed. Enough said.

3. Scheduling Has Never Been Easier. With the peak season of bike fitting almost behind us, there are more opportunities to come for a fit at your convenience, whether that be daytime, weekend, or evening.  Schedule here.
